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Monday, February 7, 2011

Don't Believe the Hype

Autism, much like other "disabilities" is a label.  It's a way to categorize a unique human, and put them in a box so that everyone that comes in contact with them can justify why they are different from the preconceived notion of how a person is supposed to act.

Jason McElvain is the exception to this label.  Jason is on the autistic sprectrum with a disorder known as Asperger's syndrome.  This particular disorder hits home for me, because my oldest son Boston was diagnosed with autism when he was 3, and later was rediagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome when he started to public school after 3 years of intensive private school for kiddo's with communication disorders.

Honestly, I was crushed when found out that my son had autism.  Just like every father, and maybe even more so because of the athletes his mother and I were, I had dreams of Boston following in our footsteps.  Instead, I had to listen to a child psychologist tell us all the things that Boston would not be able to do, and the negative aspects we were to expect in the coming years.

We never have treated Boston as autistic.  We never have encouraged any of the teachers to encourage it as well.  We don't want our child to be labelled as autistic.  We want him to be unique, just like we all are.

Here's a story of a unique kiddo, with a big heart, and now...a great story....

1 comment:

  1. I used this story in a presentation for my human relations class last year. As good as it gets.
